Short Courses

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Short course in setting up initial mental wellness initiatives for employees
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Resource Allocation and Management
Short course in setting up a simple peer support contact list
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Peer Support Programs
Short course in standardising role-specific mental health training across the organisation
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Training and Education
Short course in evaluating the impact of skills development on employee well-being
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Skills Development and Empowerment
Short course in evaluating the effectiveness of training sessions
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Training and Education
Short course in offering advanced mental health support for specific employee groups
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Support and Counselling Resources
Short course in identifying basic skill gaps related to workplace mental health
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Skills Development and Empowerment
Short course in developing role-specific counselling and support guidelines
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Support and Counselling Resources
Short course in conducting regular reviews of counselling and support service effectiveness
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Support and Counselling Resources
Short course in organising an introductory mental health awareness session
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Training and Education
Short course in organising informal peer learning sessions on mental well-being
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Skills Development and Empowerment
Short course in evaluating the ROI of allocated mental wellness resources
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Resource Allocation and Management
Short course in identifying basic mental health education needs
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Training and Education
Short course in creating a list of mental health resources for employees
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Support and Counselling Resources
Short course in monitoring the usage of initial mental health resources
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Resource Allocation and Management
Short course in setting up a simple referral system for external support
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Support and Counselling Resources
Short course in developing structured training for mental wellbeing peer supporters
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Peer Support Programs
Short course in developing a feedback mechanism for continuous improvement
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Peer Support Programs
Short course in offering initial informal peer support training
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Peer Support Programs
Short course in developing a structured resource management plan for mental health programs
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Resource Allocation and Management
Short course in developing structured skill-building programs for mental health in organisations
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Skills Development and Empowerment
Short course in offering basic resilience-building workshops within your organisation
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Skills Development and Empowerment
Short course in providing access to online mental health education resources
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Training and Education
Short course in setting up an initial mental health resource library
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Skills Development and Empowerment
Short course in developing advanced mental health education modules for leaders
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Training and Education
Short course in early detection of mental health issues for managers
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Training and Education
Short course in developing a structured mental health training program for employees
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Training and Education
Short course in advanced peer support leadership training
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Peer Support Programs
Short course in offering basic mental health support training for HR staff
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Support and Counselling Resources
Short course in setting up a mental health first aid kit for your organisation
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Training and Education
Short course in enhancing awareness of counselling resources through communications
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Support and Counselling Resources
Short course in implementing a buddy system for new employees
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Peer Support Programs
Short course in implementing stress management training at work
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Skills Development and Empowerment
Short course in enhancing awareness of mental wellbeing peer support through workplace communications
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Peer Support Programs
Short course in implementing an employee assistance program (EAP) successfully
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Support and Counselling Resources
Short course in identifying initial resources for mental wellness initiatives
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Resource Allocation and Management
Short course in standardising the allocation of resources for mental health initiatives across departments
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Resource Allocation and Management
Short course in expanding employee wellbeing peer support roles into specialised areas
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Peer Support Programs
Short course in conducting workshops on effective communication for mental health
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Skills Development and Empowerment
Short course in creating a list of external mental health resources and trainings for employees
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Training and Education
Short course in distributing mental health brochures effectively
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Training and Education
Short course in integrating resource management into overall wellness strategies
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Resource Allocation and Management
Short course in creating a basic outline for a peer support program within your organisational setting
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Peer Support Programs
Short course in gathering initial feedback on peer support interest
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Peer Support Programs
Short course in conducting regular assessments of peer support impact within your organisation
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Peer Support Programs
Short course in establishing a simple process for resource requests and approvals within your organisation
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Resource Allocation and Management
Short course in developing a comprehensive directory of support and counselling resources
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Support and Counselling Resources
Short course in integrating advanced mental health skills into professional development plans
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Skills Development and Empowerment
Short course in creating a basic budget for initial mental health activities
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Resource Allocation and Management
Short course in identifying basic support and counselling needs
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Support and Counselling Resources
Short course in formalising the peer support program structure
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Peer Support Programs
Short course in monitoring and updating employee mental health training content using latest research
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Training and Education
Short course in standardising support services integration in wellness programs
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Support and Counselling Resources
Short course in creating simple mental health awareness materials
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Skills Development and Empowerment
Short course in customising employee wellbeing peer support for diverse needs
Maturity Matrix Level 4
Peer Support Programs
Short course in identifying potential peer support volunteers
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Peer Support Programs
Short course in evaluating the effectiveness of provided support resources
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Support and Counselling Resources
Short course in offering leadership training focused on mental health support within your organisational setting
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Skills Development and Empowerment
Short course in standardising mental health training modules for comprehensive skill development
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Skills Development and Empowerment
Short course in advanced resource management for mental wellness program leaders
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Resource Allocation and Management
Short course in integrating peer support into existing wellness programs
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Peer Support Programs
Short course in creating a feedback system for skill development programs
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Skills Development and Empowerment
Short course in standardising peer support training and activities
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Peer Support Programs
Short course in enhancing feedback processes for mental wellbeing resource effectiveness within organisations
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Resource Allocation and Management
Short course in training managers on effective resource allocation for team wellness
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Resource Allocation and Management
Short course in leveraging technology to enhance employee wellbeing and peer support accessibility
Maturity Matrix Level 4
Peer Support Programs
Short course in integrating mental health training for new employees
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Training and Education
Short course in evaluating the initial effectiveness of mental wellbeing peer support groups
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Peer Support Programs
Short course in establishing initial contact with external counselling services
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Support and Counselling Resources
Short course in creating a peer training program for mental health ambassadors
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Training and Education
Short course in developing emotional intelligence in professional settings
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Skills Development and Empowerment
Short course in implementing a tracking system for resource distribution and utilisation of mental wellbeing initiatives
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Resource Allocation and Management
Short course in conducting regular reviews of resource allocation effectiveness for mental health initiatives
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Resource Allocation and Management
Short course in implementing regular mental health workshops in your organization
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Training and Education
Short course in training employees on accessing support and counselling
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Support and Counselling Resources