Short Courses

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Short course in implementing regular legal updates and training sessions on mental health and wellbeing
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Compliance and Legal Requirements
Short course in integrating compliance standards into mental health programs
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Compliance and Legal Requirements
Short course in developing structured feedback forms for mental health concerns
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Reporting and Feedback Mechanisms
Short course in conducting initial informal mental health awareness sessions
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Program Management and Implementation
Short course in establishing initial channels for mental health reporting
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Reporting and Feedback Mechanisms
Short course in gaining basic awareness of mental health legislation
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Policy Development and Review
Short course in developing structured mental health programs based on identified needs
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Program Management and Implementation
Short course in implementing proactive legal reviews of mental health practices
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Compliance and Legal Requirements
Short course in initiating a basic mental health support system
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Reporting and Feedback Mechanisms
Short course in establishing a feedback review committee for mental health issues within your organisation
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Reporting and Feedback Mechanisms
Short course in gathering feedback on the mental health and wellbeing reintegration process within your organisation
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Reintegration Approach for Employees
Short course in setting up a simple tracking system for mental health compliance
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Compliance and Legal Requirements
Short course in establishing a compliance officer role for mental health initiatives within your organisation
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Compliance and Legal Requirements
Short course in reviewing basic mental health program outcomes
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Evaluation and Improvement
Short course in improving mental health through goal-setting strategies
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Evaluation and Improvement
Short course in creating a feedback system for mental health emergency response effectiveness
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Safety and Emergency Protocols
Short course in implementing an anonymous reporting tool for mental health issues
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Reporting and Feedback Mechanisms
Short course in establishing initial return-to-work meetings for employees
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Reporting and Feedback Mechanisms
Short course in establishing a basic outline for a mental health program
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Program Management and Implementation
Short course in providing resources for employee resilience building
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Reintegration Approach for Employees
Short course in analysing program data to inform mental health strategy
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Evaluation and Improvement
Short course in drafting mental health policies
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Policy Development and Review
Short course in evaluating mental health initiatives at work
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Evaluation and Improvement
Short course in integrating advanced analytics for mental health program evaluation
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Evaluation and Improvement
Short course in drafting a preliminary list of mental health resources within your organisation
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Program Management and Implementation
Short course in developing structured evaluation frameworks for mental health programs
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Evaluation and Improvement
Short course in reviewing and documenting incidents and responses
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Policy Development and Review
Short course in establishing a rudimentary mental health crisis response plan
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Policy Development and Review
Short course in identifying basic feedback mechanisms for mental health issues
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Reporting and Feedback Mechanisms
Short course in collecting anecdotal feedback on mental wellness within your organisation
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Reporting and Feedback Mechanisms
Short course in implementing mandatory mental health crisis intervention training for employees
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Safety and Emergency Protocols
Short course in training staff on evaluation and feedback collection techniques for employee mental health
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Evaluation and Improvement
Short course in identifying the need for mental health policies
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Policy Development and Review
Short course in conducting impact assessments of mental health interventions
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Evaluation and Improvement
Short course in identifying basic legal requirements for workplace mental health
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Compliance and Legal Requirements
Short course in establishing regular review meetings for mental health initiatives within your organisational setting
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Evaluation and Improvement
Short course in implementing EAPs and other reactive support measures
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Program Management and Implementation
Short course in assessing risks and vulnerabilities in current mental health practices
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Compliance and Legal Requirements
Short course in setting up informal discussions on mental health policy needs in your organisation
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Policy Development and Review
Short course in analysing feedback for reactive mental health support measures
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Reporting and Feedback Mechanisms
Short course in gathering initial employee interest and feedback on mental health needs
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Program Management and Implementation
Short course in developing a legal advisory panel for ongoing mental health initiatives
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Compliance and Legal Requirements
Short course in establishing basic emergency contacts for mental health crises within your organisational setting
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Safety and Emergency Protocols
Short course in developing compliance-focused mental health policies in organizational settings
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Policy Development and Review
Short course in identifying mental health crises among employees
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Safety and Emergency Protocols
Short course in gathering initial employee feedback on mental health resources
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Evaluation and Improvement
Short course in implementing a workplace mental wellness plan
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Compliance and Legal Requirements
Short course in establishing a mental health crisis intervention team within your organisation
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Safety and Emergency Protocols
Short course in evaluating the initial impact of mental health programs
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Program Management and Implementation
Short course in creating a supportive workspace adjustment plan for mental health and wellbeing
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Reintegration Approach for Employees
Short course in conducting an initial review of workplace mental health compliance
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Compliance and Legal Requirements
Short course in tailoring reintegration plans to individual needs
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Reintegration Approach for Employees
Short course in utilising technology to enhance mental health compliance tracking and reporting
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Compliance and Legal Requirements
Short course in conducting advanced training on specific mental health legal requirements
Maturity Matrix Level 3
Compliance and Legal Requirements
Short course in identifying immediate areas for improvement in mental health programs
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Evaluation and Improvement
Short course in implementing feedback mechanisms for continuous improvement of employee mental health
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Evaluation and Improvement
Short course in implementing a phased return-to-work for mental health absences
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Reintegration Approach for Employees
Short course in mental health fundamentals for training program managers
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Program Management and Implementation
Short course in identifying key contacts and support for returning employees facing mental health and wellbeing challenges
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Reintegration Approach for Employees
Short course in training managers on facilitating effective returns
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Reintegration Approach for Employees
Short course in training HR staff on basic mental health policy compliance
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Policy Development and Review
Short course in setting up a simple mental health crisis communication plan
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Safety and Emergency Protocols
Short course in developing a basic reintegration plan for short-term absences related to mental health
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Reintegration Approach for Employees
Short course in creating a feedback loop for employee mental health legal and compliance concerns
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Compliance and Legal Requirements
Short course in drafting a rudimentary mental health emergency protocol
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Safety and Emergency Protocols
Short course in identifying and reporting mental health issues
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Reporting and Feedback Mechanisms
Short course in identifying key mental health topics for your organization
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Program Management and Implementation
Short course in creating initial guidelines for responding to mental health emergencies
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Safety and Emergency Protocols
Short course in creating a compliance checklist for mental health policies
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Compliance and Legal Requirements
Short course in implementing reactive procedures for mental health issues
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Policy Development and Review
Short course in establishing mental health legal compliance policies
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Compliance and Legal Requirements
Short course in monitoring and adjusting mental health reintegration plans
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Reintegration Approach for Employees
Short course in collecting feedback on initial mental health policies
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Policy Development and Review
Short course in training leadership on basic compliance and legal responsibilities
Maturity Matrix Level 1
Compliance and Legal Requirements
Short course in developing structured emergency response plans for mental health incidents
Maturity Matrix Level 2
Safety and Emergency Protocols