Your how-to: Providing basic training on accessing and using wellness platforms

Technology and Tools
Tech Support and Accessibility
Maturity Matrix Level 1

Providing basic training on accessing and using wellness platforms refers to the process of equipping your staff with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively utilise any digital tools, apps, or platforms that the business has adopted to promote employee mental wellbeing. These platforms typically offer a range of resources from mindfulness and meditation guides, stress management, cognitive behavioural therapy tools, to fitness and nutrition guides. The objective is to ensure your workforce can navigate and benefit from these tools independently and comfortably.

In the Australian context, this training could include demonstrating how to access services like Headspace or Beyond Blue through online gateways. This becomes particularly relevant in light of the 'Work Health and Safety Act' (2011), which places an emphasis on psychological health in the workplace. The Act requires Australian employers to ensure that the workplace does not contribute to mental health issues, which further highlights the importance of facilitating access to, and understanding of, wellness platforms.

Ensuring all employees understand the how-to's of these wellness platforms, promotes their active engagement with mental wellbeing resources and ultimately contributes to a healthier, more productive workplace. Furthermore, it ensures that the investment the business has made in these tools is fully utilised and effectively translated into a tangible impact on workforce wellbeing.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Identify Suitable Wellness Platforms: Before training staff, identify the wellness platforms that best suit your organisation's needs and cultural context. Look at the key features of different platforms, ensuring they align with the diverse needs of your workforce and provide a holistic approach to wellbeing. These might include services like Headspace or Beyond Blue, which are highly regarded in Australia and provide a range of mental health resources.

Step 3

Schedule Training Sessions: Create a schedule for the training sessions according to the convenience of your workforce. You need to consider factors like shifts and workloads to ensure optimal participation. Our goal is to foster a culture that values mental wellbeing.

Step 5

Provide Assistance: Post-training, provide an open line of communication for staff to seek assistance if they encounter any difficulties while accessing or using the wellness platforms.

Step 7

Monitor Usage and Gather Feedback: Finally, monitor the usage of these wellness platforms, draw insights, and gather feedback from the employees regarding their experiences. This will help you identify any gaps in the training and take corrective action.

Step 2

Develop Training Modules: Create comprehensive yet simple training modules that explain the use of selected wellness platforms. The modules should cover topics including how to access the platforms, create an account, navigate the interface, access different features, and understand the resources. Use a combination of written instructions, screenshots, and video tutorials for clear demonstration.

Step 4

Conduct Training Instruct your workforce about the relevance of these wellness platforms through classroom sessions or e-learning platforms. Encourage participation and ensure employees fully comprehend the use of the platforms.

Step 6

Regular Review and Refresher Training: To ensure your staff remains skilled in using wellness platforms, carry out regular reviews and refresher training. This helps maintain the relevance of the training and enhances its effectiveness.

Step 8

Remember, the aim of this process is to promote employee engagement with mental well-being resources. By implementing this training, businesses can ensure they comply with the 'Work Health and Safety Act' (2011), and contribute to a healthier, more productive workplace.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Neglecting Employee Privacy

Wellness platforms often involve collecting personal health information. It's essential that you respect employee privacy, provide clear information about how data is used and stored, and comply with the Australian Privacy Principles.

Neglecting to Personalise the Platform Experience

Ensure that the wellness platform is tailored to your employees' needs, preferences and wellbeing goals. A one-size-fits-all approach may not resonate with everyone and could affect their commitment and engagement with the platform.

Lack of Accessibility

Remember that not all employees have the same level of digital literacy or access to resources. Ensure that your wellness platform is accessible through various devices and easy to use for everyone. Provide training and resources where needed.

Insufficient Communication and Training

Poor communication can lead to low usage of the platform. Clearly communicate the purpose of the wellness platform, how to use it, and the benefits it offers to motivate employees. Provide ample training to ensure everyone is comfortable with the tool.

Inadequate Platform Integration

Your chosen wellness platform should integrate seamlessly with other tools and software within your organisation. Failure to ensure this could lead to a disjointed user experience and reduced participation.

Ignoring Feedback

Feedback from employees is integral to the refining and improvement of the wellness platform. Ignoring this valuable input might lead to reduced engagement and dissatisfaction among your employees.