Your how-to: Training staff on advanced features of digital wellness platforms

Technology and Tools
Digital Wellness Platforms
Maturity Matrix Level 2

Training staff on advanced features of digital wellness platforms in the workplace' consists of building the necessary knowledge and adeptness within your team to effectively use sophisticated digital wellness platforms. These platforms offer features that help promote and manage employee mental wellbeing, such as meditation programmes, stress management tools, sleep guidance, and mental health counselling services. They often incorporate advanced features like personalisation, analytics, gamification, and social engagement which require specific skills to use to their full potential. 

In Australia, given the prioritisation of mental health in the Fair Work Act 2009, utilising such platforms can help ensure your working practices align with these regulations by actively supporting the mental wellbeing of your staff. Therefore, comprehensive staff training helps ensure these tools are used effectively and fully exploited. The goal is for your HR team to not only understand but also confidently navigate, manage, and implement such platforms to promote a supportive workplace environment.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Understanding Your Platform: First and foremost, it's crucial to understand the features and functionalities of the specific digital wellness platform your company utilises. Explore the platform intimately, from its basic features to its advanced functionalities - and understand their benefits. Understanding how each module, such as mindfulness exercises, mental health resources, sleep aid tools and so on, operates is key.

Step 3

Delivering the Training: Training can be delivered through workshops, webinars, or e-learning modules. Use real-life scenarios to help employees understand how to practicality use each feature and how it could support them in particular situations.

Step 5

Evaluating and Gathering Feedback: Post-training, evaluate its success. You can use surveys, discussions, or tests to gauge the understanding and skill level of your employees. Gather their feedback too, for future improvements.

Step 7

Regularly Updating Your Training: Finally, as the platform might be updated or changed over time, regularly updating your training materials to reflect these changes is crucial. This includes re-navigating the entire system and modifying the training content accordingly.

Step 2

Developing a Training Programme: Next, take the insights from step one and use them to develop a comprehensive training programme. This program should clearly explain each feature, demonstrate its use, and explain its relevance in maintaining mental wellbeing in the workplace. Structure your training programme to start with the elementary features and gradually move to the advanced ones.

Step 4

Ensuring Compliance with the Fair Work Act 2009: In the Australian context, familiarise your staff with the relevant sections of the Fair Work Act 2009, specifically those pertaining to mental health. It's essential that staff comprehend that using such platforms aligns with healthy working practices under Australian law.

Step 6

Offering Ongoing Support: After the initial training, be prepared to provide ongoing support. Employees may take time to master the functionality of these platforms. Offering one-on-one sessions or follow-up workshops will ensure they can capitalise on these digital wellness platforms to the fullest.

Step 8

Reflect and Breathe: This step can be challenging, so it's important to take a moment to breathe and reflect. Pause to consider the progress made, the obstacles encountered, and the lessons learned. This reflection will not only help in gaining clarity but also in maintaining a balanced perspective, allowing for thoughtful and deliberate decision-making moving forward.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Insufficient Time Allocation

Understandably, everyone is busy, and scheduling can be a nightmare. However, rushing the training process or trying to squeeze it into tight schedules may result in insufficient comprehension and poor application of the training.

Lack of Clear Objectives

It's crucial to have clear and defined objectives before the training sessions. Creating a training programme without knowing what you want your employees to learn and apply can cause confusion - making it difficult for them to understand the purpose of the training.

Technical Difficulties

Using new technology always presents the risk of technical difficulties, which could disrupt learning. Make sure you test all features of the digital wellness platform before the training. Have a tech support team on hand during the training process.

Not Measurement or Evaluation

Training should not be an aimless effort. Implement a system to measure the efficacy of the training, such as quizzes, group discussions, or a feedback system to evaluate understanding and ensure the education is truly effective.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Approaching the training as if all your staff learn in the same way is a mistake. Everyone has their own pace and style of learning. A successful training programme will cater to varied learning styles and patterns.

Ignoring Feedback

Employee feedback is invaluable for improving your training programmes. Ignoring the feedback may lead to ongoing issues and prevent improvement in your training sessions. Encourage feedback and actively use it to make necessary changes.