Your how-to: Setting up a simple feedback tool for wellness initiatives

Technology and Tools
Innovative Tools for Engagement
Maturity Matrix Level 1

Setting up a simple feedback tool for wellness initiatives at your workplace involves establishing a mechanism where employees can share their thoughts, experiences, and suggestions about the employer's efforts directed at improving mental well-being. This could be in the form of a digital survey, suggestion boxes or regular wellness meetings. The feedback tool should be user-friendly, confidential, and allow employees to express their opinions freely.

The aim is to use this feedback to assess the effectiveness and reception of the mental wellness activities, identify areas for improvement, and tailor the programmes to the specific needs of your diverse workforce. A well set up tool not only encourages employee engagement and transparency but also ensures that your wellness policies are in line with the Fair Work Act 2009 in ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of all employees in Australia. The feedback tool can also inform future wellness strategies and assist in maintaining a positive and productive workplace culture

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Identify the need for a Feedback Mechanism: ‘Setting up a simple feedback tool for wellness initiatives at work’ starts with understanding the necessity of having a feedback mechanism in place. This is important to evaluate the effectiveness of wellness initiatives, ascertain the level of employee satisfaction and identify areas of improvement.

Step 3

Design the Feedback Form or Survey: Draft a feedback form or survey that addresses the areas of concern. Questions should be open-ended to welcome suggestions and unique perspectives, as well as pointed towards assessing the satisfaction and effectiveness of wellness programmes. Make sure to include questions about all aspects of the wellness initiatives, so you don't miss out on any critical feedback.

Step 5

Implement the Feedback: Tool Once the feedback form or survey is ready, it's time to set up the feedback tool. If it’s a digital tool, test it thoroughly before rolling out. If it’s physical like a suggestion box, set it up in an accessible location and inform all employees about it.

Step 7

Collect Feedback and Evaluate regularly: According to the set schedule, collect the feedback and analyse the data. Look for areas of strength, as well as areas for improvement. Do this regularly to keep in touch with your employees' perceptions of your wellness initiatives.

Step 2

Plan Your Feedback Tool: Decide on the type of feedback tool that would be most effective for your workplace, given the size of your team, their comfort with technology and confidentiality needs. This could be a digital survey, physical suggestion boxes or even regular wellness meetings.

Step 4

Ensure Anonymity and Confidentiality: Assure your employees that their input will remain anonymous and confidential. This will help ensure honest and open feedback. If you're using a digital tool, work with your IT team to ensure data privacy and confidentiality.

Step 6

Communicate & Encourage Participation: Inform your employees about the feedback tool and its intended use. Encourage the employees to provide feedback on the wellness initiatives by communicating the importance of their input in improving the overall workplace wellbeing.

Step 8

Make Necessary Changes: Use the feedback collected to make necessary improvements to the wellness initiatives. This could involve adjusting specific programmes, introducing new initiatives or, in some cases, entirely revamping the wellness programme based on the feedback received.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Insufficient Communication

Without clear communication about your wellness initiatives and the feedback tool, misinformation or a lack of understanding can occur. Make sure you provide comprehensive information about the tool's purpose, its usage, and how the feedback will be used in enhancing wellness programs.

Neglecting Employee Privacy

In gathering feedback, it's important to respect the privacy and confidentiality of your employees. Any feedback gathered should be anonymous and confidential to encourage honest responses. Failing to do so may lead to a lack of trust and engagement.

Lack of Regular Follow-ups

Just implementing a feedback tool isn't enough. Regular engagement and follow-up is essential; otherwise, employee interest may decline over time.

Failing to Adapt

The aim of a feedback tool is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your wellness initiatives. If you do not make necessary amendments based on the feedback received, the effectiveness of the tool and the initiative itself could be diminished.

Ignoring Negative Feedback

Negative feedback can feel disheartening but it's important not to sweep it under the carpet. Ignored feedback can lead to employee dissatisfaction and lower participation in future.

One-size-fits-all Approach

Different individuals have diverse wellness needs, thus a single, uniform approach might not be the most effective. Tailored initiatives based on the feedback received might be more beneficial.