Your how-to: Establishing partnerships with digital wellness platform providers

Technology and Tools
Digital Wellness Platforms
Maturity Matrix Level 4

Establishing partnerships with digital wellness platform providers refers to the process of a business aligning with digital wellness platform providers to enhance the mental wellbeing of employees within the workplace. These platforms provide a range of resources, tools, and interactive solutions targetting various aspects of mental health. Examples include stress management, anxiety reduction, and mood improvement.

By utilising these, businesses can support mental wellbeing proactively and responsively, contributing to healthier, more productive workforces. In the Australian context, Fair Work Act 2009 legislates employers' duty to ensure the mental wellbeing of employees - a requirement these platforms can assist with. It involves assessing suitable providers, negotiating agreements, implementing the platforms in the workplace, and monitoring their effectiveness. This partnership not only demonstrates commitment to staff wellbeing but also aids in attracting and retaining employees, as it shows an active effort to foster a supportive and understanding work environment.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Negotiate Terms: Once you have chosen a provider, initiate discussions on commercial terms. Consider factors such as pricing, duration of partnership, level of support needed, and any customization services required.

Step 3

Conduct a Feasibility Study: Before initiating a partnership, undertake a feasibility study. Determine how the digital wellness platform could integrate with existing structures, evaluate the required resources, and analyse any potential obstacles to implementation.

Step 5

Engage with the Providers: Start a conversation with these providers. Request demos or trial periods if possible. This collaboration will not only give you a first-hand understanding of their platform but also allow you to gauge their customer service and support offerings.

Step 7

Prepare a Rollout Plan Plan: how to introduce and implement the platform within the organisation. Generate a ‘how-to’ guide and offer training sessions if needed. Communicate the benefits of the platform and how it will improve wellbeing at work.

Step 2

Research Potential Partners: Research the different types of digital wellness platforms available, taking into account their focus areas, methods, user interface, support services, and pricing models. All these factors will have an impact on your partnership and how well the platform fits your employees' needs.

Step 4

Create a Shortlist: Based on your research, narrow down your options to at least three providers. Evaluate using specific criteria such as the quality of programmes, relevance to your workforce's needs, the intuitiveness of the platform, customer support, cost-effectiveness, and their existing clientele.

Step 6

Negotiate Terms: Once you have chosen a provider, initiate discussions on commercial terms. Consider factors such as pricing, duration of partnership, level of support needed, and any customization services required.

Step 8

Launch and Monitor: After launching the platform, monitor its utilisation and reach out to employees for their valuable feedback. Assess the impact on employee wellness periodically to ensure your investment provides the expected return on employee wellbeing.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Ignoring Technological Compatibility

Ensure that the digital wellness platforms you choose are compatible with existing technologies in your workspace. Lack of interoperability could lead to inefficiencies, added costs, and a poor user experience.

Insufficient Due Diligence

An easy trap to fall into is not doing enough research about the potential partners. Understand their reputation in the market, reliability, customer reviews, data protection processes, and whether they comply with Australian Privacy Principles.

Neglecting a Long-Term Approach

Instead of focusing exclusively on immediate benefits, consider the long-term potential of partnering with digital wellness platform providers. Assess their ability to scale with your business and adapt to future needs.

Failing to Consider Employee Needs and Interests

It's essential to keep in mind the preferences and wellness interests of your employees. You may fall into the trap of selecting a platform that does not cater to the diverse needs of your team members, which could lead to disengagement and low adoption rates.

Overlooking Customisation Requirements

Different businesses have unique wellness needs. Avoid partnering with providers who offer a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, look for platforms that allow customisation to cater for your specific wellness program goals.

Neglecting Security and Data Privacy

In the digital age, data security and privacy is paramount. Make sure the digital wellness provider complies with Australian Data Security standards and the Privacy Act 1988, which governs how personal information must be handled.