Your how-to: Creating initial online wellness challenges within your work environment

Technology and Tools
Innovative Tools for Engagement
Maturity Matrix Level 1

Creating initial online wellness challenges within your work environment refers to the process of initiating and implementing structured programmes or initiatives over digital platforms, with the aim to enhance and support the mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing of your employees. These challenges can take various forms, from physical exercise targets, meditation practices, to nutrition goals and beyond. 

The purpose of initiating these challenges is to stimulate habits that promote health, reduce stress, and improve overall wellness of your employees, in turn fostering a more productive, engaged, and positive working environment. They also align with Australia's 'Healthy Workers Initiative' which advocates employers to invest in the overall health and wellbeing of their workers.

By integrating these challenges digitally or online, you are incorporating a universal access point, engagement, and tracking feature for all employees. This makes it easier for employees to participate at their own convenience, in any location, and can also encourage a friendly competition or camaraderie among employees. In a remote working era, this becomes an effective tool in bridging the physical disconnect among the workforce.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Identify the needs of your workforce: Before creating any wellness initiative, it is imperative to first identify the specific needs of your workforce. This could involve conducting an internal survey or feedback system asking employees what sorts of wellness activities they would be interested in and their general wellbeing needs. The aim is to ensure the challenges are relevant, engaging, and beneficial for your employees.

Step 3

Plan the activities for the wellness challenge: Planning is a vital component. Develop a schedule with a variety of activity options that correspond with your goals. These could include exercise challenges, mindfulness activities, or healthy eating competitions. The 'Healthy Workers Initiative' in Australia can also provide guidelines and suggestions for planning as per workplace wellness issues.

Step 5

Develop a tracking and reward system: Keeping track of progress and rewarding participation can motivate employees and make the challenges more engaging. Develop a system that can track participation and progress of the challenges, and rewards participants - this can be anything from public recognition to small prizes.

Step 7

Implement the challenge: Once everything is in place you can launch the wellness challenge. Regular updates and reminders will keep employees engaged and informed about progress.

Step 2

Define the purpose and goals of the wellness challenge: Based on the feedback, define the purpose of your wellness challenges. Do you want to reduce workplace stress, increase wellbeing, improve fitness levels, or improve nutritional habits? Moreover, establish SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals for these challenges.

Step 4

Select an appropriate digital platform: Choose a digital platform that can host the activities and track progress. This could be a website, an app, or a social media group. The platform you choose should be accessible to all employees and easy to use.

Step 6

Communicate with your employees: Ensure your employees are well-informed about the wellness challenge. Share essential details like the purpose, benefits, and how to participate. Regular updates and reminders to encourage participation can also be beneficial.

Step 8

Evaluate the effectiveness: Once the challenge is completed, ask participants for their feedback and consider if the goals were met. This will help you to make any necessary modifications for future challenges to be more effective and beneficial.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Ignoring Workplace Health and Safety Regulations

When embarking on wellness challenges, it's vital you remain compliant with the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 in Australia. To avoid legal troubles down the line, ensure all challenges promote safe and healthy behaviours, and do not compel employees to take part in potentially risky activities.

Lack of Clear Objectives

Before jumping into the creation of wellness challenges, take the time to define clear, measurable objectives. What do you want to achieve with these challenges? Whether it’s improving general wellbeing, reducing stress levels or promoting healthier habits, having clear goals will guide the creation process and help measure success.

One-Size-Fits-All Approach

Avoid utilising a one-size-fits-all approach to wellness challenges. Each of your employees will have different interests, abilities, and health goals; respecting this diversity will increase engagement and adherence to the challenges. Make sure to include a variety of activities catering to different preferences.

Lack of Encouragement and Incentives

Employees are more likely to engage with wellness challenges when they are motivated. Whilst the ultimate goal is improving health, consider offering incentives or rewards to encourage participation and competition, like additional days of leave or healthier food options in the office.

Insufficient Communication

Unclear or insufficient communication about the wellness challenges can lead to confusion and lack of engagement. Be sure to communicate clearly about the purpose of the initiative, the activities involved, and how employees can participate. Regular updates and feedback will also keep engagement high.

Forgetting About Remote Workers

If you have employees working remotely, it’s easy to overlook them in your wellness challenges. Make sure any activities or challenges can be accomplished no matter the work location. This may involve leveraging digital tools and platforms.