Your how-to: Creating a gamified platform for wellness activities

Technology and Tools
Innovative Tools for Engagement
Maturity Matrix Level 4

Creating a gamified platform for wellness activities within your work environment is the process of using gaming elements and principles in non-gaming settings with a focus on promoting and improving employee mental wellbeing. This is achieved by designing a digital platform that hosts a range of wellness activities in a fun, interactive and engaging way. 

The platform could include features like challenges, competitions, and rewards, all designed to motivate employees to actively participate in wellness activities. Such a gamified approach often results in high engagement rates and increased motivation. 

To remain compliant with Australian Privacy and Work Health & Safety legislation, such platforms must be designed and implemented carefully. Employee participation should always be voluntary, personal wellness data must be securely handled, and the activities should not endanger physical or mental health. If designed considerately and creatively, a gamified wellness platform can significantly contribute to a healthy work environment and a resilient workforce in a way that is enjoyable for all involved.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Identify Your Goals: Recognise the wellness goals you aim to achieve in your workplace. This could range from promoting physical activity, mental wellbeing to encouraging healthy eating habits, for instance.Identify Your Goals: Recognise the wellness goals you aim to achieve in your workplace. This could range from promoting physical activity, mental wellbeing to encouraging healthy eating habits, for instance.

Step 3

Design the Gaming Elements: Designing the gaming elements is crucial, These could include tasks or challenges, scoring or point systems, levels or stages, leaderboards, and rewards. Each of these elements must align with the identified wellness goals.

Step 5

Draft Privacy and Participation Policies: To comply with Australian privacy laws, draft policies detailing how personal health information will be kept secure and private on the platform. Ensure employee participation is completely voluntary to be in line with Work Health & Safety Legislation.

Step 7

Test the Platform: Before full-scale rollout, test the platform on a small group. Gather feedback and make necessary adjustments. This ensures optimal functionality and user experience.

Step 2

Understand Your Employees' Interests: Gather information about the interests, preferences, and wellness needs of your employees. This could be achieved through surveys or informal interviews. They are your primary users and tailoring the platform to their needs would ensure maximum participation.

Step 4

Source a Development Team: You would need a team proficient with digital platform development and gamification. It may include software developers, graphic designers and UX/UI designers.

Step 6

Develop the Platform: With your development team, start bringing the platform to life. Ensure the design is user-friendly, engaging, and inclusive of all gaming elements.

Step 8

Launch the Platform and Monitor Progress: Launch the platform to all employees, promoting its benefits for their wellness. Continue to monitor usage, solicit feedback for continuous improvement, and track progress towards your established wellness goals.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Ignoring Inclusivity

The platform is meant to promote wellness for all employees. Therefore, it should cater to diverse preferences, skills and abilities. Avoid developing activities that may exclude some people based on their fitness level, age, health conditions or personal interests. Activities should be inclusive and adaptable to consider everyone’s needs.

Neglecting User Experience

When developing a gamified platform, prioritising user experience is paramount. If employees find the platform difficult to navigate or unexciting, participation will decrease drastically. Thus, it is essential to create a user-friendly interface that is both appealing and intuitive. Always test and gather user feedback to improve and streamline the experience.

Overemphasis on Competition

While competition can stimulate engagement, overemphasising it may lead to stress and unhealthy rivalry among employees. Avoid creating a hyper-competitive atmosphere that overshadows the wellness objective. Remember the primary focus is to promote wellness and not to create winners and losers.

Lack of alignment with Company Culture

The gamification platform should amplify your company's mission, values and culture. If it doesn’t align with these elements, employees may find it irrelevant, confusing or out of place. Make sure to align the platform's design and goals with your company culture.

Inadequate Support and Guidance

A lack of adequate support and guidance could result in poor participation and a general lack of interest. For successful implementation, offer resources and regular guidance to help staff understand how to use the platform and why they should engage.

Failing to comply with legislation

Ensure your gamified platform complies with the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 regarding personal data collection and use. Ignoring these could lead to penalties, reputational damage, and a loss of trust among your staff.