Your how-to: Benchmarking digital learning initiatives against global standards in the workplace

Technology and Tools
Technology-Enabled Learning
Maturity Matrix Level 5

Benchmarking digital learning initiatives against global standards in the workplace' involves comparing and assessing your company's digital learning strategies and practices to internationally recognised benchmarks. The goal is to determine the effectiveness, relevance, and compliance of your digital learning schemes to global standards. You'll note this is already not workplace mental wellbeing specific, the main reason for that is our reason indicated we needed to provide a broad scope to present you with proven practices.

This process typically involves a few critical steps. Firstly, you need to identify applicable global standards. Keep in mind that these could vary based on the industry your business operates in and the specific areas of learning and development you focus on. Typically, global standards would relate to training content, teaching methodologies, accessibility, user experience, and effectiveness of learning outcomes.

After identifying relevant standards, you'll need to evaluate your existing digital learning initiatives against them. This could be done through various methods like surveys, audits, or feedback mechanisms.

Benchmarking helps in maintaining the quality and relevance of learning initiatives, ensuring the training provided aligns with the best practices globally and fulfils workplace requirements. Moreover, it helps stimulate continuous improvement, identify gaps in training, and develop solutions that align with global standards.

Remember, while making these comparisons, you must adhere to any local laws and regulations that apply in Australia. For instance, you should always respect privacy and personal information laws when collecting feedback or data about employees' performance in the digital learning schemes. Compliance with the Australian Privacy Act 1988, and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) it contains, is necessary during this process.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Understand Benchmarking: Start by understanding what benchmarking involves. It's a process of comparing and assessing your organisation's digital learning strategies and practices against the highest international standards. Understanding its purpose can help you identify the specific areas that need improvement.

Step 3

Evaluate Current Digital Learning Initiatives: Gain an understanding of your current digital learning initiatives. You should have a clear picture of their effectiveness, both in terms of learning outcomes and employee engagement. Use feedback systems or data analytics to collect this information.

Step 5

Identify Gaps: Look for areas where your initiatives fall short of these standards. These form the "gaps" that you need to address in order to align your training with global standards.

Step 7

Regularly Review Outcomes: Conduct regular assessments to ensure continuous improvement in your digital learning initiatives. Regularly updating your benchmarking can keep your learning effective and relevant.

Step 2

Identify Relevant Global Standards: Identify global benchmarks that are most applicable to your industry and the specific areas of learning and development within your workplace. This could revolve around the training content, teaching methodologies, accessibility, user experience, and effectiveness of learning outcomes.

Step 4

Compare Initiatives Against Identified Standards: Carefully compare your digital learning initiatives against your identified global standards. You can gather this data through surveys, audits, or other feedback mechanisms within your organization.

Step 6

Develop and Implement Solutions: Based on the identified gaps, develop strategies for improvement. Plan and implement solutions that will bring your digital learning initiatives in line with global standards.

Step 8

Ensure Compliance with Australian Laws: Whatever method you use for data collection, ensure you are compliant with the Australian Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). Always respect privacy and personal information laws when collecting sensitive data about employees' performance.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Lack of Relevant Stakeholder Buy-in

Digital learning initiatives should have the backing of relevant stakeholders, such as management, team leaders and employees. Failure to secure this support can lead to ineffective performance and low user engagement.

Ignoring the Organisational Culture

Organisational culture greatly influences the success of digital learning initiatives. Avoid implementing a global standard without considering your company’s unique culture. This could lead to resistance from employees and, ultimately, the failure of the initiative.

Neglecting Legal and Industry Standards

In Australia, digital learning initiatives must comply with industry standards and legal provisions, such as the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). Failure to adhere to these standards could result in penalties.

Not Taking into Account Employee Skill Levels

Your workforce's skill level may differ, and thus, a one-size-fits-all approach to the implementation of a digital learning initiative might not work. It's important to offer varying levels of instruction based on individual needs and competencies.

Inadequate Training and Support

Non-comprehensive training and weak support structures can lead to frustration and low user adoption rates. It is crucial to ensure that employees feel thoroughly supported during the transition phase of any new digital learning initiative.

Lack of Continuous Evaluation

Regular and systematic evaluation of the digital learning initiatives is crucial for improvement and achieving desired outcomes. Avoid simply setting up the programme and hoping for the best. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and review them regularly.