Your how-to: Creating a simple guide for accessing online wellness resources

Technology and Tools
Digital Wellness Platforms
Maturity Matrix Level 1

Creating a simple guide for accessing online wellness resources in your workplace is an initiative vested in curating a resource manual or an online portal that details how employees can avail themselves of various online wellness programs, tools, and workshops designed to support their mental wellbeing. 

This guide can house myriad resources like mindfulness tutorials, mental health assessment tools, online therapy portals, webinars on stress management, cognitive behavioural tools, and links to professional help such as psychology, counselling services; all digitally formatted for ease of access. 

This online toolbox is not just a directory of resources; it is an active strategy to build a mentally healthy workplace culture, in line with the Safe Work Australia's 'Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace' Best Practice Guide, focusing on preventive and proactive measures to improve employee mental health. 

A good guide will also include instructions for use, emergency contact info, anonymous options for those who prefer discretion, and information on workplace policies relating to mental health. Fundamentally, the guide's purpose is to empower employees to safeguard their mental wellbeing and feel supported by their organisation in doing so.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Identify Key Resources: Firstly, research to identify which mental health resources are accessible online and relevant to your employees. These may include websites offering mindfulness tutorials, mental health assessment tools, online therapy portals and stress management webinars. Be sure to also include details for professional services such as psychology and counseling, which may be beneficial to employees.

Step 3

Create an Online Access Point: This step involves creating an easy-to-access online platform where this information will be accessible to employees. Consider collaborating with your IT department to design this platform or using existing platforms like an internal company portal or website.

Step 5

Privacy Options: It is crucial to ensure the privacy of employees who wish to use these resources. As such, do consider anonymous options or private logins.

Step 7

Compliance with Australian Regulations: Ensure that your resource complies with the Best Practices Guide as mandated by Safe Work Australia. This includes including proactive measures that demonstrate the company's commitment to mental health.

Step 2

Curation of Resources: After identifying the necessary resources, the next step is to compile them in a clear and organised manner to make the guide user-friendly. You can categorise them based on themes such as stress management, self-help techniques, or professional help for ease of navigation.

Step 4

Instructions and Use Guidelines: After organising the content in an accessible platform, provide clear instructions on how to use the resources. Include steps and guidelines on how to avail themselves of the services, what each resource entails, and any other necessary details.

Step 6

Include Emergency Contacts: Always include a section with emergency contact numbers for mental health crises, such as Lifeline Australia or other national helplines.

Step 8

Disseminate Information about the Guide: Finally, communicate the existence of this guide to all your employees. Make sure they know where to find it, how to use it and reassure them about confidentiality measures you have put in place. Regularly remind your employees of the existence of this guide through team meetings, emails, and staff bulletins.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Ignoring the Digital Literacy of Employees

Remember, not all employees are digital savvy. When implementing online wellness resources, ensure they are user-friendly, have easy-to-follow instructions and there is enough tech support to guide employees if they struggle.

Not Researching Available Online Wellness Resources Thoroughly

It can be easy to select the first few options that come up on a search engine, but it's crucial to do thorough research. Some online wellness resources may not be as effective or relevant to your employee's wellness needs. Be sure to select resources that cater to physical, mental, and emotional wellness needs.

Lack of Information on Data Security

Online platforms can expose users to data privacy and security risks. Ensure that the online wellness resources you are suggesting to your employees are from reliable sources and provide secure and encrypted services.

Failing to Regularly Update your Guide

It's important to keep in mind that wellness resources and technologies are constantly evolving. Maintaining a regularly updated guide which factors in new and emerging resources is crucial for ongoing relevance.

Not Considering Accessibility

When curating these resources, ensure that they are accessible to all. This includes considering those with visual or hearing impairments, those with slower internet speeds or old computer technology, and those who work remotely or unconventional hours.

Ignoring Staff Feedback & Suggestions

It's beneficial to engage your workforce in the selection process by surveying them on their requirements and including their suggestions. This not only cater to their needs but also increases engagement and uptake of the resources.