Your how-to: Setting up a mental health first aid kit in the workplace

Resources and Skills
Training and Education
Maturity Matrix Level 1

A mental health first aid kit in the workplace is a unique tool that allows an organisation to proactively support and manage the mental wellbeing of staff. As the term suggests, it's like a first aid kit but for mental health. It’s typically made up of various resources designed to provide immediate support for employees who might be experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. This kit is not meant to replace professional help, but rather to act as a stop-gap until professional help can be provided. 

The concept of mental health first aid was first developed in Australia and has since become popular worldwide. In forming this kit, which is in line with Australia's Work Health and Safety Act 2011, you're ensuring that your organisation is equipped to promote a positive mental health environment and potentially lessen the severity of mental health issues that arise in the workplace. This kit is a tangible step you can take to show your commitment to improving psychological wellbeing and creating an overall safe and healthy workplace for your employees.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Understand Your Legal Responsibilities: Begin by familiarising yourself with the relevant legislation related to mental health in the workplace. As an Australian business owner, this would primarily include the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS ACT), which stipulates your obligation to ensure the mental health and wellbeing of all employees in your organisation.

Step 3

Train the Officer: The selected mental health first aid officer should undergo formal training. This training could be online or through a registered mental health first aid training organisation in Australia. This will equip them with the skills to assist in mental health first aid situations securely and confidently.

Step 5

Prepare the Physical Kit: Incorporate all the decided contents into a physical container or space easily accessible to all employees. Ensure the kit is plainly labeled and its purpose is widely communicated within the organisation.

Step 7

Raise Awareness: Once the first aid kit is ready, educate your employees about it. Conduct workshops or meetings explaining the importance of mental health, the role of the kit, and how and when to use it.

Step 2

Identify a Mental Health First Aid Officer: Choose a responsible individual within your organisation who will oversee the utilisation and upkeep of the mental health first aid kit. This individual must be understanding, compassionate, and able to maintain confidentiality.

Step 4

Decide on the Contents: Your mental health first aid kit should include resources such as stress balls, mindfulness colouring books, informative handouts on managing stress and anxiety, and referral information for professional mental health services. Other inclusions may be CDs or links to guided meditations or relaxation exercises. Remember, the kit's contents will depend on your organisation's unique needs and resources.

Step 6

Supplement with Digital Resources: Consider accessing or creating a digital mental health resource hub. This could include apps, online courses or self-help websites, making it easier for employees to engage with resources which they can easily access from their digital devices.

Step 8

Encourage Open Conversations About Mental Health: Create a mentally healthy workplace by encourage open and stigma-free conversations about mental health. This can be through organising regular wellbeing check-ins or mental health awareness campaigns.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Lack of Initial Training

A common pitfall when creating a workplace mental health system is not providing sufficient upfront training. Team leaders and staff should be trained in how to respond to a mental health crisis, the use of the mental health first aid kit, and how to properly support employees experiencing mental health problems.

Neglecting Regular Updates

Mental health support systems and aids must be updated regularly to include new wellbeing tools and methods. A lack of updates might result in ineffective support, negatively affecting your team's mental health.

Not Promoting Openness

The success of a mental health first aid kit greatly depends on openness about mental health in the workplace. If employees do not feel comfortable discussing mental health, they may not use the resources provided, rendering the kit ineffective.

Breach of Confidentiality

One of the most important aspects of dealing with mental health in the workplace is maintaining employee privacy. Be careful not to breach any confidentiality rules in the process of setting up and managing your mental health first aid system.

Misunderstanding Legal Requirements

In Australia, workplaces are required to provide safe and healthy work environments under the Work Health and Safety Act. Failing to comply with this law could potentially lead to legal issues. Ensure that your mental health first aid kit aligns with all relevant laws and regulations.

One-Size-Fits-All Approach

It's crucial to remember that mental health is deeply personal and can't be addressed with a one-size-fits-all approach. Personalise your mental health first aid kit as much as possible to cater for the needs of all employees.