Your how-to: Offering basic mental health support training for HR staff

Resources and Skills
Support and Counselling Resources
Maturity Matrix Level 1

Offering basic mental health support training for HR staff refers to the process of providing foundational awareness, education, skills and strategies to Human Resources teams to effectively address, support and assist with employee mental health issues within the workplace. This involves understanding mental health, recognising common mental health conditions, learning how to respond appropriately and promoting a healthy workplace environment. 

In an Australian context, this is particularly pertinent given the legal obligations under the Fair Work Act 2009 and Work Health and Safety laws, which require workplaces to be both physically and psychologically safe for all employees. Consequently, this training is both a proactive step towards creating a supportive work environment and crucial in ensuring your organisation meets its legal responsibilities. 

In essence, the training aims to equip HR staff to take an active role in managing and improving mental wellbeing in your organisation, by providing them with the practical skills and knowledge required to handle mental health concerns and issues. The ultimate goal is to foster an organisation where all employees are supported, mental health is talked about openly and employees are encouraged to seek help when needed.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Valuing Mental Health Title: Understand and Value the Importance of Mental Health in the Workplace Recognise that mental health is as crucial as physical health in ensuring employee wellbeing and productivity. Recognise the benefits of having a mentally healthy workforce including increased productivity, reduced employee turnover and a supportive, positive work culture.

Step 3

Seek Expertise Title: Consult Mental Health Professionals Consult with mental health professionals or reputable mental health organisations who can offer expert guidance in developing a mental health training program for your HR team. This will ensure that the training is scientifically sound and tailored to your organisational needs.

Step 5

Implement Training Title: Schedule and Conduct Training Sessions Schedule regular training sessions for your HR team, ensuring all members receive training. Keep records of attendance and progress for future reference.

Step 7

Review and Update Title: Regularly Review and Update the Training Program Regularly review the efficacy of the training program and update it as necessary to ensure its relevance and effectiveness. Have ongoing input from mental health professionals to ensure the training stays up to date with best practices.

Step 2

Legal Implications Title: Understand Your Legal Obligations Familiarise yourself with the Fair Work Act 2009 and Work Health and Safety laws which mandate both physical and psychological safety for employees in Australian workplaces. Understand that failure to adequately address mental health concerns can lead to legal implications.

Step 4

Customising Training Title: Create Customised Mental Health Training for HR Work with the professionals to develop a program that's tailored to your organisation's specific needs. Include basic information on recognising symptoms of common mental health disorders, strategies to support employees and knowledge of available resources.

Step 6

Encourage Openness Title: Foster an Open Workplace Environment Promote an office culture where mental health can be discussed openly. Encourage HR personnel to lead by example, making it easier for employees to seek help when needed.

Step 8

Reflect and Breathe: This step can be challenging, so it's important to take a moment to breathe and reflect. Pause to consider the progress made, the obstacles encountered, and the lessons learned. This reflection will not only help in gaining clarity but also in maintaining a balanced perspective, allowing for thoughtful and deliberate decision-making moving forward.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Inadequate Information

Remember, half-knowledge can be dangerous, particularly when it comes to mental health. Make sure the training materials are comprehensive and sourced from reliable, up-to-date resources. Always consult with mental health experts when designing your program to ensure accuracy.

Lack of Confidentiality

Maintaining confidentiality is of utmost importance in mental health cases. Make sure your HR staff understands and respects the privacy laws in Australia, including the Australian Privacy Principles and the Privacy Act 1988.

Absence of Practical Application

Theoretical knowledge alone cannot equip the HR professionals to handle sensitive mental health scenarios. Make sure to include role-plays, case studies, or real-life scenarios as part of your training program.

Ignoring Cultural Context

As Australia is a multicultural nation, it’s essential to consider cultural sensitivity when devising the training. Ensure the program is inclusive and considerate of different cultural understandings and stigmas attached to mental health.

Failure to Provide On-going Training

Mental health understanding and care tactics evolve constantly. Your HR staff's training should not be a one-off event, but a continuous process updated with the latest findings and best practices in the field.

Not Catering for All Learning Styles

Some people learn better in an active, hands-on environment, while others may prefer reading or visual aids. Try to incorporate a variety of methods in your training to cater to all learning styles.