Your how-to: Leveraging technology to enhance employee wellbeing peer support accessibility

Resources and Skills
Peer Support Programs
Maturity Matrix Level 4

Leveraging technology to enhance employee wellbeing peer support accessibility refers to the process of utilising digital tools and platforms to improve the way peers support each other's mental health at work. This might involve deploying online forums and social networking groups for open discussions, or incorporating digital wellness programs and applications offering 24/7 mental health support.

It could also include developing virtual platforms for wellbeing check-ins and mental wellness webinars, ensuring that all employees regardless of their location and time zone, have access to crucial support services. In Australia, these efforts should be aligned to the Work Health and Safety Act to safeguard the psychological health and safety of employees while creating an inclusive and supportive environment that encourages openness about mental wellbeing.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Understand Current Wellbeing Strategies: Familiarise yourself with your firm's existing wellbeing strategies. This includes understanding what portion of it involves peer support and how accessible it currently is. Identify areas of improvement and look at how technology could assist in these areas.

Step 3

Conform to Australian Legislation: Ensure that potential mental health technologies are in line with Australian legislation, such as the Work Health and Safety Act. They should bolster the psychological safety and wellbeing of your employees.

Step 5

Solicit Employee Input: Engage your employees in this process. Solicit their feedback on different platforms and what they perceive as their peer support needs. This will help in ensuring the technology solution will be used and effective.

Step 7

Offer Training and Support: Don't assume everyone will intuitively understand how to use the new technology. Provide sufficient training and document clear instructions for accessing and using the digital platforms. Make sure employees know where to seek help if they encounter problems.

Step 2

Research Available Mental Health Technology: Explore what's out there in terms of digital platforms that help businesses improve their workplace wellbeing strategies. Look at online forums, social networking platforms, virtual mental wellness programs and applications offering 24/7 support.

Step 4

Engage in Product Trials and Demos: Before committing to a solution, make sure to engage in product trials and demonstrations. This allows you to determine which technologies will most effectively enhance peer support and improve accessibility in your business context.

Step 6

Implement Chosen Technologies: After conducting research, testing products, and considering staff feedback, select and implement the digital tools and platforms that best suit your employees' needs and your company's goals.

Step 8

Regularly Review and Adapt: Finally, as the business environment and your employees' needs evolve, periodically review and revise your digital wellbeing and peer support strategies. Be willing to adapt and introduce new elements as required.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Neglecting data security

Remember, while using technology is great for supporting employee wellbeing, it often involves collecting and processing personal data. Ensuring the utmost security of this data is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Australian Privacy Principles need to be adhered to with utmost care. Meet all legislative requirements, as failure to do so could result in severe monetary penalties under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

Lack of continuous support and feedback

Post-training, it’s essential to give constant support and seek feedback. Implementing a technology-based system without continuous assistance can lead to misuse or a general lack of use altogether.

Poor choice of technology

Choosing a platform simply because it’s trendy is a common mistake. Ensure that the technology you choose is fit for purpose, aligned with your business values, and easy to use and understand for your employees.

Overlooking proper training

Introducing new technology without ample training can cause confusion and may even increase stress for employees—entirely contrary to the goal of enhancing wellbeing. Make sure employees are fully trained on new systems, with an emphasis on why it’s beneficial, how to use it, and who to approach for help.

Ignoring the human factor

Technology should be used to facilitate human connection, rather than replace it. Avoid relying wholly on technology for employee support; remember the irreplaceable value of face-to-face or direct communication.

One-size-fits-all approach

Workplaces are diverse, and what works for one person may not work for another. Avoid implementing the same technological tools and expecting similar results for all employees. Customise where possible, to cater to different needs and preferences.