Your how-to: Implementing a buddy system for new employees

Resources and Skills
Peer Support Programs
Maturity Matrix Level 2

Implementing a buddy system for new employees within your company is a strategic approach to easing new recruits into the business. Essentially, this involves pairing up a new employee with a more experienced staff member from the same department or role who can help guide the new recruit, providing them with insight, support, and advice as they navigate their first few weeks or months.

This structure aims to create supportive relationships within the workplace, boost morale and enhance productivity. In addition, it can significantly aid in improving the mental well-being of new employees by providing a go-to person for immediate questions or concerns, reducing feelings of isolation and overwhelm.

Under Australian legislation, it's an employer’s duty to ensure the health and safety of their employees. While this requirement primarily covers the physical safety, it also encompasses mental well-being. Thus, having a system in place such as a buddy scheme can go a long way in supporting mental well-being, aiding in compliance with these legislative duties. 

In this system, it's crucial for buddies to receive appropriate training and clear expectations to maintain the effectiveness and integrity of the program. They should be seen as an additional resource and support, rather than as a replacement for proper induction and ongoing supervision by management.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Establish the Objectives: Understand the reasons why your company needs a buddy system. Your aim could be to reduce the onboarding time for new employees, improve their engagement levels, or foster a strong sense of belonging within the company.

Step 3

Develop Buddies' Training Program: Formulate a training program for the selected buddies. This could involve sessions on communication, teaching methods, the company's procedures, and handling of sensitive situations. Make sure they understand their responsibilities and obligations.

Step 5

Create Guidelines and Expectations: Establish clear guidelines around how the buddy system should work. This includes duration of the buddy relationship, the regularity and methods of communication, tasks to be covered, and accountability of buddies.

Step 7

Monitor and Provide Feedback: Regularly check in on the progress of the pairings. Provide constructive feedback and address any issues that may arise promptly.

Step 2

Identify Suitable Buddies: Identify experienced and enthusiastic employees who possess the necessary skills and exemplary attitude to serve as buddies. They should be reliable, sociable, patient, and able to communicate effectively while demonstrating the company's values.

Step 4

Matchmaking Buddies and New Employees: After suitable buddies are trained, match them with new employees. A good match should ideally be in the same department or role. Consideration should be given to factors like mutual interests, work styles and geographical location.

Step 6

Facilitate the Initial Meeting: Coordinate an initial meeting between the pair to allow them to familiarise themselves with each other. During this session, they should agree upon engagement rules and discuss any potential concerns.

Step 8

Evaluation and Improvement: Upon completion of a new hire’s buddy period, seek feedback from both parties involved. Evaluate the success and impacts of the buddy system. Use this information to adjust and improve the system moving forward.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Insufficient Training for Buddies

One common mistake made when implementing a buddy system is not adequately training the chosen buddies. Buddies should have comprehensive training to familiarise with their roles and obtain necessary coaching skills. If buddies do not know how to mentor or are unaware of their responsibilities, they're unable to provide the necessary support for new employees.

Lack of Follow-up and Evaluation

Oftentimes, businesses implement the buddy system but fail to monitor its effectiveness over time. Regular check-ins are necessary to ensure that the system is functioning well and the new employees are benefiting from it. Ignoring this can lead to unnoticed issues and eventual system breakdown.

Inadequate Time Allocation

Buddies also have their regular tasks to complete. It's critical that they're allowed adequate time to support new employees without negatively affecting their job performance. Overlooking this aspect can lead to stress, burnout, and ineffective mentoring.

Incorrect Buddy Selectio

Choosing the wrong individuals to act as buddies can significantly harm the effectiveness of the buddy system. Buddies should be chosen based on their empathy, knowledge, good communication skills and their willingness to assist new recruits. If they're chosen solely based on seniority or availability but lack necessary skills, the system will likely fail.

Ignoring Individual Preferences

Every individual has their unique learning style. While some might appreciate a buddy system, others might find it intrusive. It is crucial not to impose the system on everyone without considering their preferences. Doing so can lead to resentment and a lack of engagement from the new starters.

Neglecting Company's Legal Obligations

As a business operating in Australia, you are bound by specific legal regulations. For instance, under Fair Work Act 2009, you are responsible for creating a safe and healthy work environment. Any form of harassment, discrimination or bullying must be strictly avoided during the implementation of the buddy system.