Your how-to: Evaluating the effectiveness of support resources

Resources and Skills
Support and Counselling Resources
Maturity Matrix Level 2

Evaluating the effectiveness of  support resources within your organisation' refers to the process of assessing the adequacy and efficacy of an array of mental wellbeing support systems available in your company. In essence, it is a quality control mechanism that keeps check on whether the deployed resources, such as counselling services, employee assistance programs, mental health leave policies, wellbeing workshops and mindfulness sessions are achieving desired outcomes. It aims to quantify the impact of these measures on boosting employees' mental health and shed light on any possible improvements or revisions required in the approach.

In an Australian context, this process should align with the Principles of the Work Health and Safety Act of 2011, which makes it mandatory to yield a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. Thus, while evaluating the support resources, it is essential to ensure that they adhere to the country's designated health and safety standards for the workplace, including mental wellbeing.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Identify the Available Resources: Start by identifying all the support resources available to your employees at the organisation. This could include counselling services, employee assistance programmes, mental health leave policies, wellbeing workshops, and dedicated mindfulness sessions.

Step 3

Establish Evaluation Metrics: Next, determine how you will measure effectiveness. Possible evaluation metrics could include usage rate of resources, employee feedback, sick-day data, and perhaps even mental health questionnaires or surveys.

Step 5

Analyse the Findings: Once all your data has been collected, analyse it to gain insight on the effectiveness of the resources provided. Look for patterns or trends that might indicate overall effectiveness, or lack thereof.

Step 7

Solicit Feedback: Gather feedback directly from your employees through anonymous surveys or suggestion boxes. This will give you additional, firsthand insight into how effective the support resources are from the users themselves.

Step 2

Clarify the Purpose of Each Resource: Understand the purpose behind each support resource. What specific aims or objectives is each resource trying to achieve? Is it stress relief, promoting open conversations about mental health, or reducing employee burnout?

Step 4

Collect Data: Using your previously defined metrics, start collecting and organising data. This could involve getting statistics on usage, collating feedback from employees, or analysing leave records.

Step 6

Assess Compliance with WHS Act 2011: Ensure your current support mechanisms align with the Principles of the Work Health and Safety Act of 2011. Evaluate whether your approach is providing a safe and healthy working environment for your employees, particularly in relation to mental health.

Step 8

Make Necessary Changes: Based on your findings, identify scope for improvement. This might involve enhancing existing resources, eliminating ineffective initiatives, or even introducing new programmes or policies based on employee feedback and the results from your evaluations.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Neglecting to Define Clear Goals

Before starting the evaluation process, it is crucial to be clear on what you are trying to accomplish. This helps in making sure the assessment aligns with overall organisational needs. Failing to set clear, specific, and measurable goals may result in ineffective assessment.

Ignoring The Continuous Evolving Nature of Support Resources

Support resources need constant updating and refining in order to maintain effectiveness. Not regularly updating these resources or failing to take into account the changing needs of your organisation could lead to outdated and ineffective resources.

Failing to Consider Australian Regulation Compliance

If you're operating in Australia, you need to ensure that your support resources are compliant with Australian legislation. Overlooking this could lead to regulatory repercussions and impact the legitimacy of your organisation.

Overlooking Employees' Feedback

Your employees are the most direct users of these resources and their input is crucial for a comprehensive evaluation. Neglecting their feedback could give you an incomplete or skewed picture of the effectiveness of your resources.

Neglecting to Evaluate The ROI of Support Resources

While assessing the qualitative aspect of support resources is important, don’t neglect the monetary investment involved. Not evaluating the Return on Investment (ROI) can result in continued funding of ineffective support resources.

Falling into the ‘One Size Fits All’ Trap

Not every resource is going to be suitable for every member of your organisation. Avoid thinking in 'one size fits all' terms - customise support resources to address specific needs and challenges within your team.