Your how-to: Establishing a simple process for resource requests and approvals

Resources and Skills
Resource Allocation and Management
Maturity Matrix Level 1

Establishing a simple process for resource requests and approvals refers to designing an easy-to-follow procedure for securing the resources required to deliver tasks or projects effectively. This process applies mainly to financial, physical, personnel or informational resources that an employee or a department within your organisation may need to optimise their performance or complete a particular project.

The process typically involves an initial proposal or request from an individual or a team to their manager or a designated authority outlining the specifics of the needed resource. The proposal is then evaluated against available resources, organisational priorities, budget constraints or other relevant metrics before it is either approved or rejected.

In the context of an Australian workspace, it is vital to ensure that this process is established in harmony with relevant guidelines, industry standards and the Fair Work Act. It is also important to consider factors like resource availability, environmental impact, and social responsibilities when evaluating these proposals. This procedure is aimed at ensuring judicious use of resources, improving departmental efficiency, and fostering a transparent and accountable resource management environment.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Identify Resource Needs: The first step is to identify what resources are needed. This could be anything from manpower, equipment, materials, information, or financial support. Be specific about the quantity, quality, and time frames related to each resource.

Step 3

Submit Request to Relevant Authority: Subsequently, submit the drafted resource request to the designated authority. In many organisations, this would be the department manager or director. It's crucial to submit the request ahead of time to allow for a thorough review and prevent any delays in implementation.

Step 5

Approval or Rejection: Based on the evaluation, the authority may choose to approve, reject, or modify the request. In the case of rejection, providing constructive feedback would be useful to guide the requestor on how they could improve their application in the future.

Step 7

Review and Adapt Process: As the business evolves, the process of resource requests and approvals should be regularly reviewed and adapted, allowing for improvements and refinements in future allocations.

Step 2

Draft a Resource Request: After identifying the resources needed, the next step involves formulating a comprehensive request. The request should outline why the resource is necessary, how it will be used, and any potential return on investment. This will provide the approver with crucial context encompassing the resource's impact on organisational productivity and efficiency.

Step 4

Evaluate the Request: The authority receiving the request should evaluate it against the available resources, organisational priorities, and budget constraints. This step may require consultation with other team members or a review of the organisation's strategic plans and budget.

Step 6

Implement and Monitor: Once approved, implement the resource request and monitor its use and impact on the organisation. Regular checks will aid in identifying any issues that may arise, ensuring adjustments can be made promptly for continual smooth operations.

Step 8

Reflect and Breathe: This step can be challenging, so it's important to take a moment to breathe and reflect. Pause to consider the progress made, the obstacles encountered, and the lessons learned. This reflection will not only help in gaining clarity but also in maintaining a balanced perspective, allowing for thoughtful and deliberate decision-making moving forward.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Lack of Clear Communication Procedures

Ensure that the process of resource requests and approvals includes clear and concise communication procedures. Miscommunication, or lack of communication altogether, could result in missed requests or delayed responses, impacting the efficiency of operations. This could mean setting up a dedicated channel for these requests or ensuring managers promptly reply to all requests.

Inconsistent Approval Criteria

Inconsistency in the approval criteria could result in unfair distribution of resources or allegations of favouritism. Establish a standardised criterion for approving each resource request.

Ignoring Legal Compliance

While establishing a process, it's important to adhere to all relevant Australian laws, including the Australian Consumer Law or other relevant industry-specific regulations. Non-compliance can result in penalties and tarnish the reputation of your organisation.

Missing Paper Trail

Documenting each request and approval is crucial. Lack of a consistent paper trail, digital or otherwise, could lead to disputes over allocation of resources or confusion about approval status. There must be a system in place to record, archive and retrieve these records.

Inaccessible Systems

An inaccessible or user-unfriendly system might discourage employees from raising resource requests. The accessibility and usability of your system are crucial to ensure the process doesn't feel burdensome to your employees.

Failing to Consider Future Growth

While setting up the process, it’s essential to consider the scalability of the system. A system that works well for a small team may not be suitable for a larger team or a rapidly growing organisation, resulting in inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the future.