Your how-to: Enhancing the process for feedback on mental wellbeing resource effectiveness

Resources and Skills
Resource Allocation and Management
Maturity Matrix Level 2

Enhancing the process for feedback on mental wellbeing resource effectiveness refers to the process of improving the evaluation method used to determine how effective the resources and strategies are that an organisation has put into place to support employee mental well-being. It involves the systematic and ongoing collection of feedback from employees to ensure these resources are having the desired impact on employees' mental health.

Feedback for mental well-being resource effectiveness is vital as it helps organisations identify any shortcomings in their systems and make necessary improvements. It involves various steps including designing feedback mechanisms, collecting and analysing feedback, making the necessary adjustments, and communicating and implementing these changes across the organisation.

In the Australian context, it also includes ensuring adherence to relevant legislations, such as the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, which requires employers to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of their employees, encompassing both physical and mental health.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Understanding the Importance of Mental Well-being: Acknowledge the significance of mental well-being in the workplace and familiarise yourself with the obligations set by the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. Understand how mental wellbeing resources can help with employee retention, productivity and work satisfaction.

Step 3

Set Criteria for Quality Control: Define clear criteria for measuring the quality and effectiveness of mental well-being resources. Ensure these criteria align with your organisational goals and abide by Australian legislation. Reflect on measures such as effectiveness, relevance, efficiency, impact and sustainability.

Step 5

Collecting and Analysing Feedback: Encourage employees to share their experiences and opinions on the current resources. Collate the feedback and analyse it to identify trends, themes, strengths and weaknesses.

Step 7

Communication and Implementation: Once adjustments and enhancements are identified, devise a roll-out plan that communicates changes effectively to all stakeholders, including management and staff. Ensure transparency in your call for change, highlighting the reasons for the planned adjustments and how they reflect the collective feedback received.

Step 2

Assessment of Current Resources: Before embarking on enhancements, undertake a comprehensive review of existing mental well-being resources to ascertain what’s working and what needs improvement. This requires engagement from the management team to ensure an accurate assessment.

Step 4

Designing Feedback Mechanisms: Devise ways to gather feedback on your current mental well-being resources. This could include anonymous surveys, forums, focus groups or individual interviews. Make sure all employees feel safe and supported in providing honest and open feedback.

Step 6

Identifying Adjustments and Enhancements: From the analysis, pinpoint areas of the current programme that require adjustments. Also, identify potential enhancements that can improve the effectiveness of these resources.

Step 8

Continual Evaluation and Improvement: Don’t view this process as a one-off exercise – keep the feedback loop open and ensure continual evaluation and improvement of your mental well-being resources. Monitor the effectiveness of the changes and be open to further adjustments based on staff feedback.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Not Including Everyone

Make sure all levels within your organisation are included in the feedback process. This will ensure that you get a round and all-inclusive perspective. It's essential to involve everyone for a holistic understanding of the effectiveness of the resources.

Making the Process Complex

The process for providing feedback should be simple and straightforward, else it can deter employees from participating. Ensure the process is clear and the time required to give feedback is minimal.

Ignoring Regularity

Feedback should be collected regularly, not just once. Regular feedback ensures that changes made are effective and any new problems are quickly identified and responded to.

Neglecting Anonymity

Due to the sensitive nature of mental health, employees may feel uncomfortable giving feedback without the assurance of anonymity. Encourage open and honest feedback by commonly using anonymous questionnaires or feedback forms.

Not Acting on Feedback

Once you have collected the feedback, it can be a significant pitfall to not act upon it. The main objective of this process is to improve the effectiveness of your resources – and this can only be achieved by responding effectively to constructive feedback.

Avoiding Tough Questions

While it may be uncomfortable, asking about sensitive topics regarding mental wellbeing is necessary to understand the emotional condition of your employees.