Your how-to: Conducting regular reviews of counselling and support service effectiveness

Resources and Skills
Support and Counselling Resources
Maturity Matrix Level 3

Conducting regular reviews of counselling and support service effectiveness refers to the systematic assessment and evaluation of the efficacy and advantages of existing counselling and support services at your workplace. This process entails regularly tracking, reviewing, and analysing the utilisation, feedback, and outcomes associated with the mental health and wellbeing services provided to your staff. The principal aim is to ensure these services are not only accessible but also beneficial in promoting mental wellbeing, reducing workplace stress, and enhancing employee productivity and morale.

In an Australian context, with the emphasis provided by Safe Work Australia's guidelines on psychological safety at work, conducting such reviews is crucial. This ensures compliance with both health and safety obligations as well as fostering a positive, supportive work culture.

This procedure may involve gathering feedback from employees, reviewing individual and overall impact on staff wellbeing, comparing the nature and the quantity of issues before and after the implementation, and assessing the level of adherence to the organisational goals. In effect, regular reviews can help ascertain that your counselling and support services are timely, relevant, and effective in addressing your employees' mental health needs.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Understand the Scope of the Review: To start off, you should have a clear understanding of why these reviews are necessary and what they aim to achieve. It implies understanding the Australian Workplace Safety Guidelines as they pertain to counselling and support services and then identifying what needs to be examined in your organisation.

Step 3

Plan the Review: This phase involves setting out a clear and comprehensive plan outlining what needs to be evaluated, the methods to use, the timeline, and the expected outcomes.

Step 5

Analyse Data: The data collected should then be analysed to understand the effectiveness of your support services. Assess whether there is a positive impact on employee wellbeing or a decrease in workplace stress levels. Identify patterns in the feedback and look for areas for improvement.

Step 7

Compile a Report: Include data analysis, key findings, constraints, and recommendations. This report will serve as the basis for decisions on modifications or enhancements to your services.

Step 2

Establish a Review Team: Assemble a dedicated team to oversee the evaluation process. They should include Human Resources (HR) staff and any other key stakeholders who have vested interests in managing the welfare of employees.

Step 4

Collect Data: Collect data regarding the use, feedback, and overall impact of your counselling and support services. This could be through anonymous employee surveys, feedback forms or by examining quantitative data such as the frequency of service usage.

Step 6

Compare Results with Organisational Goals: Revisit the organisational goals as they relate to employee welfare and align them with the results of your analytical review. This will help to determine if current services are helping to achieve these goals.

Step 8

Communicate Findings and Recommendations: Communicate the results of the review and any proposed changes to the organisation transparently. This could be at a staff meeting, or in a company-wide memo.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Lack of Clear Objectives

One of the most common mistakes is not having clear and focused objectives. These objectives are vital, as they guide the direction of the review. Without them, the assessment may derail or become overly general.

Inadequate Staff Training

For an effective review, you need adequately trained staff members who understand both the technical and emotional aspects of the evaluating process. Poorly trained staff might provide incorrect advice or mishandle emotional queries.

Infrequent Reviewing

Conducting reviews yearly or even quarterly might not be frequent enough to keep track of on-going service effectiveness. Regular feedback from service users helps provide real-time insight on quality of service and room for improvements.

Neglecting holistic indicators

Don't merely focus on tangible facts such as attendance rates or number of counselling sessions. Consider more holistic indicators such as well-being, workplace satisfaction, and mental health of employees. Ignoring these elements can give you an incomplete view of service effectiveness.

Failing to abide by Australia's Privacy Principles

In Australia, the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) guide how personal information should be collected, used, and managed. In the course of your review, ensure you're respecting these principles to avoid legal complications.

Ignoring Feedback

Both positive and negative feedback are crucial for further improvement. Ignoring or underestimating criticism can hinder growth, while overlooking positive feedback can demotivate the counselling and support service providers.