Your how-to: Conducting regular assessments of peer support impact

Resources and Skills
Peer Support Programs
Maturity Matrix Level 3

Conducting regular assessments of peer support impact within your organisation' refers to the practice of systematically reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of peer support initiatives implemented within a company. This involves collecting and analysing data to measure the efficacy of these programs in promoting healthy mental and emotional well-being amongst employees.

These assessments aim to ensure that peer support initiatives are indeed fostering a supportive and empathetic work environment where employees feel valued, heard, and well-assisted. This process is instrumental for companies to gauge how well they are mitigating workplace stressors and encouraging open discussions about mental health, thereby improving overall employee satisfaction and productivity. 

In an Australian context, such assessments also ensure compliance with legislations such as the Fair Work Act 2009 and Safe Work Australia's code of practice, enabling your organisation to maintain a safe and healthy workplace as mandated.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Understand the Purpose and Goals of Peer Support: Firstly, clearly articulate the objectives of your peer support initiatives. These may include improving mental health, enhancing productivity, fostering a sense of community, or alleviating workplace stressors, among others.

Step 3

Design the Evaluation Instrument: Create a tool, such as an anonymous survey or questionnaire, to collect data from employees about their experiences with the peer support initiatives. Make sure to ask questions that measure the identified KPIs.

Step 5

Collect and Analyse Data: Once the surveys are completed, gather all responses and analyse this data to assess the effectiveness of your peer support initiatives based on the previously defined KPIs.

Step 7

Review and Update Peer Support Initiatives: Using the information from the report, review your current peer support initiatives. Discern what is working and address any areas of concern. Make necessary changes to improve and tailor the initiatives to better meet the needs of your employees.

Step 2

Identify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Determine the KPIs that will be used to measure the success of your peer support initiatives. These could include the number of employees actively participating in support programs, improvements in job satisfaction rates, or reduction in workplace stress levels.

Step 4

Implement the Evaluation: Distribute the evaluation tool among all employees involved in peer support initiatives within your company. Promote its completion to ensure a high response rate.

Step 6

Report Results: Prepare a detailed report based on the findings of the assessment. Include relevant statistics, insights, and suggestions for improvements.

Step 8

Ensure Compliance with Australian Legislations: Conducting these assessments also ensures compliance with Australian legislations such as the Fair Work Act 2009, which enforces fair work practices, and codes of practices by Safe Work Australia. Your HR department should verify that all steps follow these guidelines.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Neglecting Regular Reviews

Regular assessments should be a routine aspect of your operations. Neglecting these could hinder your organisation’s growth and performance, as you may miss essential information about the effectiveness of your peer support systems. Ensure a consistent assessment schedule is set up and treated as a priority.

Ignoring Legal Compliance

If your organisation operates within Australia, it is vital to adhere to Australian legislation including the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, which encourages healthy and safe working conditions. Ensure that the assessment process respects all related laws.

Rushing the Process

It’s crucial to take the time required to gather accurate data. Rushed assessments can lead to incomplete or incorrect information, jeopardising the validity of the process.

Overlooking Quantifiable Measurements

A common pitfall is not implementing a system that helps quantify the impact of peer support. Without measurable results, it will be challenging to determine the success of your peer support programs. Include quantitative goals wherever possible such as improved productivity percentages or reduced absenteeism rates.

Bypassing Comprehensive Training

Often, businesses may undervalue the necessity of comprehensive training for those involved in assessments. This can detrimentally affect the accuracy of these assessments. It's important to provide sufficient training on the assessment procedure and evaluation criteria.

Overemphasis on Negative Feedback

While it’s indeed necessary to report and address negative factors, putting too much focus on them can demotivate staff and foster negativity. Strive for a balanced approach when evaluating support impact.