Your how-to: Implementing regular legal updates and training sessions on mental health and wellbeing

Process and Procedures
Compliance and Legal Requirements
Maturity Matrix Level 2

Implementing regular legal updates and training sessions on mental health and wellbeing at your place of work refers to the process of systematically organising constructive learning experiences for employees regarding mental health and wellbeing issues. This helps ensure that all staff members are well-informed about these crucial issues, methods to cope with them personally and support colleagues experiencing them.

The process involves maintaining full compliance with relevant workplace regulations including Australian legislation such as the Fair Work Act 2009 that supports mental wellbeing in the workplace. Regular updates on any changes or enhancements to these legislations that the organisation needs to adhere to are made mandatory. Training sessions could include workshops, various interactive chat sessions, professional courses or guest lectures from mental health experts.

These updates and sessions ensure staff are not just legally compliant but also provide a psychologically safe work environment. They teach employees how to recognise signs of potential mental health problems in themselves or others, create understanding atmospheres, and respond appropriately, promoting a supportive, stigma-free environment for all.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Strategise and Plan: Before getting started, sketch a robust plan to coordinate this entire process. Perspective around the frequency of updates, type of training sessions and the material that needs to be covered should be decided. Align this plan with current Australian workplace regulations like the Fair Work Act 2009 and any other relevant mental health and wellbeing legislation.

Step 3

Design the Training Material: Create relevant training materials that contribute to mental health and wellbeing. This could include information about recognising and responding to mental health issues in the workplace. Consult with mental health professionals to verify that the information is accurate and useful.

Step 5

Conduct the Training Sessions: Organise and execute the training sessions as per your plan. Strategies could range from workshops to interactive chat sessions, professional courses or guest lectures from mental health experts.

Step 7

Seek Feedback: After each session, seek feedback from employees to improve the overall process. This feedback will enable improvements to material coverage, training methodology and presenters, ensuring that the updates and training remain relevant and engaging.

Step 2

Appoint a Committee: Form a committee or team that will be responsible for ensuring that these regular updates and training sessions are properly designed and delivered. Include people who have a good understanding of legal compliance and mental health issues.

Step 4

Communicate the Initiative: Once the sessions are planned, communicate to the employees about the initiative. Inform them about the importance of mental health and wellbeing in the workplace and how these sessions can help them personally and professionally.

Step 6

Give Regular Legal Updates: With any changes in regulations, provide regular legal updates to the employees. This could be done via email, real-time chat platforms or can be incorporated into the training sessions.

Step 8

Regularly Review and Update: Periodically review the effectiveness of this initiative. Ensure the training and updates are contributing to a positive mental health environment within the workplace. Changes should be made as required for the benefit of the organisation and its employees.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Neglecting to Make a Plan

Every successful initiative begins with a well-structured plan. When planning for legal updates and mental health training sessions, create a schedule, specify actionable items and set timelines. Without a clear roadmap, you may miss critical updates or postpone necessary training.

Non-Inclusive Training Methods

Assuming everyone learns the same way can limit the effectiveness of your sessions. Embrace a diverse range of training methods to ensure no employee is left behind. Incorporating visual aids, interactive sessions and practical examples is pivotal to all-inclusive training.

Ignoring Feedback

Feedback can help optimise your approach and make future legal updates and mental health sessions more impactful. By not actively seeking or ignoring staff feedback, you're potentially missing out on valuable insights and opportunities to improve.

Not Understanding Australian Legislation

Being unacquainted with Australian labour and employment legislation is prospective pitfall. The Fair Work Act 2009 and the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 are relevant, and must be referenced when planning any legal or wellbeing training to ensure compliance.

Poor Communication

Failure to communicate the reasons, benefits, and value of these updates and training programs could result in disinterest and lack of employee engagement. Ensure you articulate the objectives and benefits to keep all informed and motivated.

Neglecting Confidentiality

When dealing with matters of mental health, maintaining confidentiality is key. If employees feel their privacy isn't safeguarded, they may be reluctant to participate.