Your how-to: Establishing basic guidelines for remote work to support mental wellness

Culture and Behaviour
Work-Life Balance and Flexibility
Maturity Matrix Level 1

This refers to the establishment of fundamental protocols and regulations for remote work to uphold mental wellbeing within your professional atmosphere. This involves setting out specific rules, routines and boundaries that facilitate a healthy and balanced approach to remote working. Such guidelines are crucial to empower employers and employees in creating an environment where work life and personal life can coexist without detriment to one another.

In a practical context, it can include provisions such as regular catch-up sessions to prevent isolation, defining clear work hours to avoid overwork, encouraging exercise and breaks, provision of mental health resources and support, and firm e-safety practices. 

In terms of the Australian context, employers are obliged under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 to provide a safe work environment, which extends to mental health as well as physical. Thus, these basic guidelines should not only ensure that remote work is manageable and efficient, but also that it doesn't harm the mental wellbeing of employees.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Identifying the Requirements: Identify the needs and requirements of remote work and how it can impact the mental wellbeing of your employees. Understanding individual needs and challenges will enable you to design more personalised and effective guidelines.

Step 3

Define Clear Work Boundaries: Set clear work boundaries to ensure employees are not overburdened. This might include clearly defined work hours, expectations around responding to emails or calls outside these hours, and respect for personal time and days off.

Step 5

Promote Physical Activity and Breaks: Promote regular exercise and breaks during the workday. This can be as simple as encouraging employees to take a walk during lunch or offering online yoga or fitness classes.

Step 7

Implement Robust E-Safety Measures: Ensure that your remote work guidelines also cover e-safety practices, protecting both your employee's personal data and company data.

Step 2

Compliance with Australian Legal Requirements: Ensure your guidelines comply with the requirements of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. This means providing a safe and mentally healthy work environment, regardless of where the work takes place.

Step 4

Communication is Key: Establish regular communication sessions to prevent feelings of isolation in remote employees. Whether through team meetings, one-on-one check-ins, or informal catch-ups, providing opportunities for connection can dramatically improve mental health.

Step 6

Provide Mental Health Support: Provide various mental health resources to your employees. It could include online therapy sessions, mental health workshops, or access to counselling services. This helps employees address any mental health issues they may be facing, promoting a supportive work environment.

Step 8

Regularly Review Your Policies: Lastly, routinely review these guidelines, reassessing their effectiveness and making necessary adjustments. This ensures that the strategies implemented continue to meet the changing needs of your employees and your business.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Lack of Clear Communication

Poor communication can create confusion, lead to misunderstandings and make remote employees feel isolated. Consistently communicate company updates, expectations and changes to ensure everyone on the team feels involved.

Failure to Promote Regular Physical Activity

Extended periods of sitting combined with the lack of opportunities for social interaction can lead to mental as well as physical health problems. Regular physical activity not only improves concentration but also reduces stress and anxiety.

Not Providing Mental Health Support

Ignoring the mental health needs of employees, particularly under the current pandemic situation, is a grave mistake. As per Australian work health and safety laws, it's necessary and legally required to provide a safe and healthy work environment, both physically and mentally.

Neglecting to Establish Work-Life Boundaries

Without clear boundaries, remote workers often end up working longer hours which can lead to burnout. Encourage employees to maintain healthy boundaries by having set working hours and taking regular breaks.

Ignoring the Impact of Social Isolation

One of the biggest challenges of remote work is the lack of social interaction. It's necessary to create opportunities for social interaction such as virtual team-building activities or casual catch-up meetings.

Neglecting to Provide Necessary Technology and Support

Without access to the necessary tools, remote workers may face unnecessary stress and productivity may suffer. Businesses must ensure that remote employees have the necessary hardware, software, and training to do their jobs from home.