Your how-to: Establishing a wellness culture committee

Culture and Behaviour
Wellness Culture Promotion
Maturity Matrix Level 3

Establishing a workplace wellness culture committee involves creating a dedicated team of individuals who are committed to implementing and managing strategies that promote employee mental health and wellbeing. This committee is the driving force behind fostering a work environment that values the mental health of its employees and encourages healthy work habits.

Under this structure, employees from different departments come together to discuss, plan, and execute mental health initiatives in an organised way. The committee's main role can include identifying areas of concern, formulating action plans, providing resources, and creating policies that encourage mental wellbeing. This can be done in line with Australia's Work Health and Safety Act (2011) which oversees health, safety and welfare of workers. 

It should be noted that the inclusion of Senior Leaders is vital to ensure authority and appropriate actioning on devised strategies. The committee should also consist of representatives from all levels of the organisation to ensure a broad perspective is considered. This inclusive approach contributes to a balanced understanding of employees' needs and enhances the sense of community within your organisation. 

Through this committee, organisations can demonstrate their commitment to employee wellbeing, thus contributing to improved morale, reduced absenteeism, increased productivity and overall, a more positive workplace culture.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Recognise the Need for a Wellness Committee: The first step in establishing a wellness culture committee is acknowledging its necessity. Consider the benefits it could potentially bring, including increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and a greatly enhanced workplace culture.

Step 3

Identify Potential Committee Members: Identify passionate individuals from all levels of the organisation who are committed to promoting mental health and wellbeing. Ensure a balanced mix of employees from various departments and organisational levels to reflect the diversity of your workforce.

Step 5

Conduct the First Committee Meeting: Organise the first meeting, keeping the focus on defining the committee’s roles and responsibilities. Discuss potential mental health initiatives, wellbeing strategies, and how to increase awareness of mental health in your organisation.

Step 7

Implementation of the Wellness Strategy: With an action plan in place, embark on the implementation phase. This might include sharing resources on mental health, conducting wellness programs, or creating policies that encourage mental wellbeing.

Step 2

Obtain Management Support: Securing the backing and support from Senior Leaders within your organisation is crucial. Present your objectives clearly to convince them of the importance and potential positive returns of a wellness culture committee. Remember to reference the Work Health and Safety Act (2011) as well as the potential financial and productivity benefits of a healthier workforce.

Step 4

Extend Invitations to Potential Members: Once you’ve identified the potential members, extend formal invitations outlining the committee purpose, expected responsibilities and their role. Let them know how their involvement will contribute to developing a mentally healthy workplace.

Step 6

Formulate an Action Plan: Following initial discussions, the committee should formulate an actionable plan. This should include identifying areas of concern in mental health, provide potential wellness strategies, and plan on how to implement those strategies across the organisation. Be meticulous and maintain a long-term viewpoint.

Step 8

Monitor Progress and Make Necessary Adjustments: Lastly, closely monitor the committee's initiatives and their progress. Regularly solicit feedback from the employees and make necessary adjustments to improve the effectiveness and acceptance of the wellness strategy.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Lack of Senior Management Support

Without the backing of top-tier management in your organisation, the creation of such a committee could face substantial obstacles. Gaining their support shows all employees that the organisation is serious about wellness, and it can significantly contribute to the committee's success.

Insufficient Communication

When forming a wellness culture committee, it's crucial to have open and consistent lines of communication between everyone involved. Failure in maintaining clear communication can lead to misunderstandings, misalignment, and lack of interest.

Lack of Resources

Just like any strategic initiative within an organisation, resource allocation is crucial to the committee's success. Under-resourcing may lead to slow, insufficient progress and decreased motivation among members.

Unclear Committee Goals

The objective of the wellness culture committee should be clearly outlined right from the start. Goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound). Failing to define clear goals may lead to lack of motivation, disorganisation and potentially, the failure of the committee.

Ignoring the Diversity of Needs

One size does not fit all when it comes to health and wellness. It's important to acknowledge and cater for the diversity of needs within your organisation. Not doing so may lead to a lack of engagement from employees who don't feel represented or considered in the committee's initiatives.

Failing to Comply with Australia’s Fair Work Act

While implementing any policies or initiatives, ensure that you are staying in line with the Fair Work Act 2009, as failing to comply may lead to legal repercussions. It's important to align your wellness strategies to legislation to avoid any potential pitfalls.