Your how-to: Developing leadership training focused on wellness culture promotion

Culture and Behaviour
Wellness Culture Promotion
Maturity Matrix Level 3

Developing leadership training focused on wellness culture promotion refers to the process of creating and implementing a specific training program for leaders within your organisation. The aim of this training is to equip leaders with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to foster a working environment that prioritises the mental wellbeing of all employees. 

In practical terms, such a program would encompass teaching leaders about the importance of mental health, how to recognise signs of mental stress in their teams, and how to respond effectively to these challenges. It also involves training on how to create an inclusive culture where employees feel supported in discussing their mental health, and where wellness activities are actively promoted and incorporated into the working day.

In the context of Australian businesses, this strategy is designed to align with the Australian Workplace Mental Health Standards. These were instituted to help improve mental health outcomes across workplaces, in turn increasing productivity, morale, and employee satisfaction. Specifically, it meets the standard 'Systemic Approach to Management', focusing on promoting wellbeing and preventing harm. It is a proactive measure designed to meet potential challenges head-on, ensuring both the company and its employees thrive.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Research and Understand Workplace Mental Health Standards: In order to create a comprehensive and effective leadership training program, you must first ensure that you are familiar with Australian Workplace Mental Health Standards. Invest time in understanding these standards and their importance, focusing particularly on the 'Systemic Approach to Management' standard, which emphasises wellness promotion and harm prevention.

Step 3

Determine Training Goals and Objectives: Based on the results of your evaluation, set clear goals and objectives for your training program. This could include increasing awareness and understanding of mental health issues, improving leaders' abilities to recognise signs of mental stress, and facilitating the creation of a more inclusive culture within the company.

Step 5

Train Your Leaders: When the curriculum is fully developed, begin conducting training sessions with your company's leaders. Ensure there are opportunities for interactive learning and discussion throughout the training period to encourage active participation and understanding.

Step 7

Maintain Regular Refreshers And Updates: To keep the momentum going, ensure regular refreshers and updates are made to the training program. This not only helps to reinforce the training but also keeps the content current with latest practices and research in workplace mental health.

Step 2

Identify Your Company's Current Wellness Culture: Evaluate your company's current wellness culture by conducting a climate survey. This will help you understand your starting point and identify specific areas that need improvement. Your evaluation should consider how mental health is currently discussed and valued, and how wellness activities are incorporated into the work day.

Step 4

Develop The Training Curriculum: With your objectives in place, begin developing the curriculum for your leadership training program. This will entail creating content and activities designed to educate leaders about mental health, equip them with strategies to manage mental stress within their teams, and cultivate an inclusive culture.

Step 6

Evaluate The Effectiveness Of The Training Program: Once the training is complete, measure its effectiveness by reassessing your wellness culture and comparing it to the pre-training evaluation. Look for changes in attitudes towards mental health, how comfortably employees discuss their mental wellbeing, and the implementation of wellness activities.

Step 8

Align All Company Strategies To Promote Wellness Culture: Ensure that all company decisions and policies align with the aim to promote a wellness culture. From hiring practices to workflow management, every aspect should contribute towards a supportive workspace environment.

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Neglecting Individual Wellness Dimensions

Be cautious about over-focusing on certain wellness dimensions and neglecting others. Wellness is a holistic concept that encompasses physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social elements. In designing your training, ensure that there is a balance and diverse representation of wellness dimensions.

Undervaluing Staff Input and Engagement

Remember that your employees will be the ones participating in the wellness initiatives. Neglecting to involve them in the planning and development stages could leave them feeling detached from the initiative. Encourage employee input and make them feel part of the process.

Underestimating Resources Required

Developing wellness-centric leadership training requires a considerable investment of resources - both in terms of time and finance. Be careful not to underestimate the resources needed for the development, implementation, and ongoing management of the training program.

Overlooking Cultural Differences

Companies today are multicultural environments. If your company employs individuals from varied backgrounds, be sure to take their diverse perspectives and cultural understanding of wellness into account when designing wellness-promotion training. A one-size-fits-all approach might lead to decreased engagement and effectiveness.

Ignoring Local Laws and Regulations

If your business operates in Australia, you must be fully conversant with the Australian legislation related to workplace health and wellbeing. Running afoul of these regulations could land your business in a significant amount of trouble. Refer to the Safe Work Australia's guide on the health and wellbeing at work to ensure compliance.

Absence of Clear Objectives and Success Metrics

Lack of clearly defined objectives and success measures for your leadership training initiative could result in ambiguity and doubt about its effectiveness. Before you begin the development stage, confirm the goals and how you'll measure success.