Your how-to: Creating a wellness ambassador program

Culture and Behaviour
Wellness Culture Promotion
Maturity Matrix Level 2

A wellness ambassador program is a structured initiative aimed at promoting and fostering a culture of health, wellbeing, and resilience within an organisation. The program operates through the appointment of Wellness Ambassadors: individuals within your workforce who volunteer or are selected to champion mental wellbeing and physical health amongst colleagues.

The role of a Wellness Ambassador typically involves promoting wellness activities, organising health-focused events, disseminating information on health and wellbeing resources available, and serving as a point of contact for colleagues seeking advice on these matters. They have a crucial role in driving conversation and action around mental health in the workplace, helping to de-stigmatise these issues and create a supportive and healthy working environment.

In the Australian context, such a program aligns with obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, which requires employers to provide a safe and healthy work environment. By promoting physical and mental health through a Wellness Ambassador Program, organisations can help meet these legal responsibilities while benefiting from a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce.

Step by step instructions

Step 1

Conduct a Needs Assessment: Primarily, understanding the specific wellness needs of your organisation is essential. Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to identify key areas that need attention and improvement. This may include conducting a survey to uncover staff's mental and physical health concerns, establishing focus groups, or engaging in individual conversations.

Step 3

Select your Wellness Ambassadors: From the pool of employees, identify those who are passionate about promoting health and wellness and are believed to be positive influencers within your organisation. Note that representation from all departments and levels of seniority would be ideal for wider reach and acceptance.

Step 5

Develop a Wellness Calendar: Plan out a year-long calendar of wellness activities based on findings from the needs assessment. This may include seminars on various health topics, fitness classes, mental health workshops, and seasonal health challenges.

Step 7

Ongoing Communication: Maintain regular communication about the wellness activities and the various resources available. Channels may include newsletters, emails, posters, or an intranet portal.

Step 2

Define Your Program's Scope and Objectives: Once you understand the specific needs of your employees, begin outlining the Program’s scope and objectives. These should be clear, actionable and in line with the overall objectives of your organisation.

Step 4

Provide suitable training: Organise a training program for your Ambassadors so they can effectively promote health and wellness throughout your organisation. This should include a clear understanding of the role and its responsibilities, knowledge of available health and wellbeing services, and skills in organising wellness-focused activities.

Step 6

Launching the Program: A formal launch event for the Program can help create awareness among your employees and encourage their participation. This could be an all-staff meeting whereby Ambassadors are introduced and activities previewed.

Step 8

Evaluate Success and Make Adjustments: Regularly review the effectiveness of your Wellness Ambassador Program by surveying staff, collecting feedback, and assessing participation rates. Use these insights to make necessary

Use this template to implement

To ensure you can execute seamlessly, download the implementation template.

Pitfalls to avoid

Neglecting Executive Leadership Buy-In

Getting your executives involved in the planning process can significantly enhance the acceptance of your wellness ambassador program. A lack of high-level sponsorship can lead to uncertainty in purpose, reduced participation, or complete project breakdown. Therefore, ensure that your C-suite leaders understand the value of the program, and are actively engaged in its promotion and support.

Non-Inclusive Program Design

Your wellness program should cover a wide variety of wellness aspects targeting the diverse demographic within your organisation. Not every employee has the same wellness needs or interests. A program too narrowly focused may fail to engage a significant proportion of your workforce, reducing its effectiveness.

Not Investing in Adequate Training for Ambassadors

Selecting wellness ambassadors without providing adequate training can hamper the efficacy of your program. Make sure to equip your ambassadors with all necessary training and resources to manage their roles effectively.

Ignoring Australian Workplace Regulations

While setting up your program, you must comply with all relevant Australian laws and regulations, such as anti-discrimination and workplace safety laws. Failure to do so may result in legal issues. Hence, review the Fair Work Act 2009, Safe Work Australia regulations, and other relevant legislation to ensure your program upholds and promotes these standards.

Failing to Communicate the Program's Purpose and Benefits

Without proper communication, employees may not understand the aim and benefits of the wellness program, leading to low participation rates. Clearly articulate the purpose and how it can benefit both individuals and the organisation as a whole. Use multiple communication channels for effective reach.

Overlooking Program Evaluation

One common pitfall is not tracking and evaluating the progress of your wellness program over time. Implement an effective evaluation scheme that could involve surveys or interviews to gather feedback and assess the impact of your initiatives. This evidence also helps to secure continued investment in the wellness program.